A Makeup Brush that looks like a toothbrush?! Yes, it is real! Oval Makeup Brushes have been on the hype lately, but paying £60 plus for one brush is not an option as I have cheaper ones that I already love. That being said, I was intrigued by design and see if they work, so I popped off over to eBay like I always do… Yes, I am that girl you will find on eBay at 3 am when I can’t sleep, and I buy everything. I found this oval brush and didn’t know what to expect, I ordered it, and it came within a few days. It only cost a HUGE £2.59, breaking the bank or what? So if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t have been upset as I didn’t spend a lot.

When it arrived, I stared at it for a while and the first thought… It looks like a toothbrush! The length of the brush is about the same height as a toothbrush, but the head is more significant. This brush is not big enough to apply foundation all over the face, so I decided to try it with concealer. I apply concealer on my under eyes in a triangle shape and on my nose, chin, forehead and under my cheekbones to highlight. I used this brush in a swiping motion, and oh my, I jumped for joy. My under eyes looked flawless!! Using this brush to swipe the concealer rather than a patting motion helped prevent creasing. It also blended my highlighted areas like a dream.

Using this brush helps stop concealer from looking heavy under the eyes. I also love using this brush on the outer corners of my nose as I find when applying foundation with a brush, I can never get into those area’s thoroughly, so this little brush helps to blend out foundation in smaller area’s. I now use this brush every day! Who would have thought a meeting for less than £3 could now be my little life savour.
I can not recommend this enough, seriously get your little bum over to eBay and buy it! eBay sells different sizes of this brush, so I might pick up a larger one and try it with foundation.