Your choice of engagement ring is incredibly personal and one that many women consider for the years leading up to the big moment. While this may be so, there certainly isn’t anything wrong with getting some inspiration from your favourite celebrities and the trends they spark with their rings. This is particularly helpful if you are unsure where to get started or want to send your partner some ideas before they get down on one knee themselves.
Please take a look at what we believe will be the most significant engagement ring trends for 2020 to kickstart your search.
Favoured by celebrities such as Hailey Bieber and Blake Lively, more brides-to-be are requesting an elegant oval-shaped diamond. This style is elegant and timeless but is becoming a more popular choice for 2020. With so many beautiful celebrities boasting this ring style, it’s not hard to see why. They’re also flattering on the finger, making the hands appear more slender. What’s not to love?
Rather than opting for something very much ‘in your face, as it were, it seems that more people are choosing beautifully thin bands. Not only does it exude daintiness, but it makes the diamond stand out. It’s worth heading into the Diamonds Factory showroom to try on different brands, as this will help you figure out what type of ring will suit you. What’s perfectly slender for some may look too fragile on another person’s hand, so it’s well worth trying some different sized bands out to find the perfect fit for you and discover your preferred style of diamond.

A single diamond is a traditional choice, but this is the year for rings with three stones. We can explain the rise of popularity on the stylish Meghan Markle, who has been seen sporting her beautiful ring since her engagement to Prince Harry. You may think a ring with three stones could look excessive, but you can choose two smaller stones that frame a larger centre diamond. The three stones are supposed to represent the past, present and future of your relationship, making it a personal choice beyond the trend.

With a blush pink hue, rose gold has always been a top choice for combining a classically shaped diamond with a more modern band. If you’re daring to mix things up and stray from tradition without going overboard, a rose gold setting is an attractive choice. This style was a huge trend a couple of years ago, but it saw another rise in popularity in the last few years that we predict would continue into this year. Who can resist this lush pale pink-toned gold? Certainly not us or the many celebrities that flaunt them.

When framed by platinum, coloured diamonds and gemstones offer a burst of radiance. They instantly grab the eye without being over the top and put a contemporary spin on all ring styles. As well as looking incredibly striking, coloured stones are often used to represent the wearer’s birthday or personality. This allows you to put an even more personal spin on the proposal and express your style wherever you go.
If you’re unsure where to start your search for the perfect engagement ring, try out some of the above trends. This helps to rule out the things you don’t like and what your preferences are – you may surprise yourself and stray from what you first imagined.
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